
begin mathsize 28px style b subscript i space equals space 2 straight pi fraction numerator a subscript j cross times a subscript k over denominator a subscript i. left parenthesis a subscript j cross times a subscript k right parenthesis end fraction end style

a = Direct Lattice Vectors; b = Reciprocal Lattice Vectors; 


begin mathsize 48px style space to the power of A subscript P X subscript N space end subscript end style

X = Symbol of the element; A = Mass Number ;  

P = Number of Protons; N= Number of Nutrons


begin mathsize 36px style Z equals fraction numerator 38 A over denominator 0.6 A to the power of begin display style bevelled 2 over 3 end style end exponent plus 76 end fraction end style

A = Mass number; Z= Atomic Number = Number of protons present in the nucleus 


begin mathsize 36px style 1 over d squared equals 4 over 3 open parentheses fraction numerator h squared plus h k space plus space k squared over denominator a squared end fraction close parentheses plus space l squared over c squared end style

d= Interplanar Spacing ; h , k , l = Miller Indices; a ,c = Lattice Constants


begin mathsize 36px style D B E space equals space C plus 1 minus H over 2 minus X over 2 plus N over 2 end style 

C= Number of Carbon atoms present ; H = Number of Hydrogen atoms present; X= Number of Halogen atoms present (Cl, Br, I or F);
N= Number of Nitrogen atoms present; DBE = Double bond equivalent a.k.a Level of Unsaturation


K1The equilibrium constant at absolute temperature T1 ; K2=The equilibrium constant at absolute temperature T2 ;
The standard enthalpy change ; T& T2 = Temperature; R= Gas constant


begin mathsize 36px style P e to the power of fraction numerator a n over denominator R T V end fraction end exponent left parenthesis V minus n b right parenthesis space equals space n R T end style

P = Pressure ; V = Volume ;  a , b = Dieterici Constants ; n= Number of Moles ; R= Universal Gas Constant ; T= Temperature


begin mathsize 48px style log space f equals negative A z squared square root of I space end style

I = Ionic Strength ; z =  Charge number of  an ionic specie ; f = Activity coefficient ;

A= A  constant that depends on temperature.
(A is assumed to be 0.509 mol-1/2 kg
-1/2 which corresponds to water at 25oC)
